recent & past projects

Projects for People Living with Dementia

Working with residents at the David Cargill House, McOpera Outreach presented a package of one-to-one musical interaction in a ‘quiet room’ environment, supported in larger groups by a range of familiar musical songs and material, and led by our workshop leader, soprano Rachel Hynes.
The songs for the group sessions were chosen by the residents, and arranged by the group of 3 musicians and 2 opera singers to perform with them during the visits.

To cater for the variety of mobility needs, our McOpera musicians moved through the care home as ‘wandering minstrels’, taking specific requests for songs into each room.

The power of working with operatic voices and live orchestral instruments in this context cannot be underestimated, and the connection this had with the residents was particularly powerful.

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“I can't believe the response... it's been just absolutely fabulous! Everybody has had such a wonderful time - they've all participated, those that wanted to, and it was just great.”
Roslyn Kirk, Activities Co-ordinator
David Cargill House, Glasgow

Musical Minds, Kilmarnock

McOpera Outreach were out with Musical Minds, a 100 strong Alzheimer's Choir based in Kilmarnock. Aline Gow, Alison Hastie, Sue Baxendale and our fabulous baritone, Steven Faughey, had the most amazing experience with the choir, some of whom joined us to perform solo spots- the lovely Irene singing Moon River, Ian playing beautifully on violin and our highly skilled accordion player, Miles.

Hats off to those who run this truly inspirational project… We will be back for more!