recent & past projects

Noye’s Fludde - Lammermuir Festival 2016

September 2016


An exciting community opera performed as part of the Lammermuir Festival 2016

Conducted by internationally acclaimed conductor Sian Edwards, and featuring singers Andrew MacTaggart, Penelope Cousland and Donald Maxwell as the Voice of God; and with the children of Dunbar Primary School and the community of Dunbar and wider East Lothian in a cast of over 120 performers and crafts people.

Directed by Caitlin Skinner and Assistant Director/ Chorus Master Moira Morrison, designed by Carys Hobbs and produced by Sue Baxendale. Accompanied by film sequence by Roddy Simpson.This fabulous community opera was performed on Sunday 11th September at 2:30pm and 5:00pm in Dunbar Parish Church to full houses and great critical acclaim.


“Britten’s warm-hearted monster of a masterpiece fitted beautifully in among the festival’s bold offerings….celebrating the talents of the community, and all the benefits that brings, it was an astonishing achievement… there can have been barely a dry eye in the house” - The Scotsman (September 2016) *****

Reeltime / McOpera Outreach Young Parents’ Music Project - 2016

December 2016


In partnership with Music Co-OPERAtive Scotland, Motherwell based charity Reeltime Music taught interactive music skills at two eight-weekly sessions between September and December 2016 to young parents aged 15 to 25 years old and their children under 5. Five McOpera musicians worked with Early Years' specialist Daniela Hathaway alongside Reeltime Music to provide informal music experience to young parents to boost their confidence and aid child development while encouraging bonding with their child. Families were given musical challenges to complete and try out popular instruments such as guitar, drums and keyboards as well as explore more unusual instruments including cajóns, ukuleles and mandolins.

McOpera led families though music and play sessions designed to encourage bonding and communication while creating music and having fun together. Parents and children sang and rhymed, played with props and puppets and enjoyed percussion activities which were linked to everyday life. The rhythms also provided a calming and soothing effect for children, and parents were given resources to recreate the fun at home.

Laura Scott, project co-ordinator at Reeltime Music, said: “We identified that young parents lacked the confidence and self-esteem to attend community groups which could benefit them and their child. Our project acted as a stepping stone to encourage attendance in mainstream groups and promote understanding of the benefits of artistic time with their child.

“Without vital funding from UK Steel Enterprise and Creative Scotland YMI Access to Music, the project could not have gone ahead. The extra funding allowed the project to run further and therefore have a bigger impact on the young parents facing disadvantage in our community in North Lanarkshire.”

Learn more about Reeltime Music